Monday, April 7, 2014

Genius Hour Progress

 Our goals for this whole entire project is to learn how to stay relaxed when stress and become aware of our surroundings.  Devon and I  have gotten together 3 days a week, every week and had a yoga session for about an hour. We have been really constant, and we'll be keeping it up because we feel more relaxed ever since we first started our Genius Hour Project. We feel like 3 days isn't enough for yoga, So we are thinking about getting together 5 days a week for about an hour and a half. Once we feel like we are stress free and are more flexible we have accomplished Genius Hour!

Failure :(

To us failure is when you haven't reached your goal, you have been defeated and/or just gave up.  We have had failure in our success during school and work..  No matter how hard things will get, Devon and I keep trying. If we failed at a subject, we got back on our feet and studied and worked harder then we did before.  Failure isn't always the end, you can keep trying to succeed. What led us to our failure is the lack of motivation, We needed someone to snap us out of our own little world, for us to realize we need to make a change if we want to succeed in life.

  by: troublemkr922


Success is when you achieve your dreams or goals. Its something you strive for and are triumphant  in. Hannah and me both agree that we have been successful in many things but not without error. School and our jobs are something we feel successful in. We worked hard and achieve what we aim for in most instance and we enjoy what we are doing. We all strive to be successful and achieve out goals even when we know that some won't work out. Even when we fail we keep pushing to be successful.
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without lose of enthusiasm"
Winston Churchill


Motivation is a driving force of our will. Success and failure push us and motivate us to do better or strive for more. I find that your failures motivate us more then success. When we fail we have the instinct to try again until do it right. We want to succeeded and go as far as we can in life. Our failures are just bumps in the road to that top goal, however success is also a very good motivator knowing that you can succeed makes you think and know that you can succeed in other things as well. It pushes us to do better! Motivation is a very good thing to have and to  learn, to push at your goals and even if you don't succeed in one find something you do succeed in and make it happen.