Monday, February 3, 2014


Exciting!! One great thing about yoga is that it is very well popular around the world. Don't have time to go out of your house to take a yoga class?. Not a problem!! You can take yoga classes online. It feels like you're exactly there in the room with the instructor and other classmates. Devon and I do it all the time. One of the great things we like about it is that whenever we don't have the time/or don't feeling like going out, we can just take our yoga class right in the living room.

Here is the link for more info:

Check it out! :)


  1. Great resource! Now if that site could also make my dogs stop barking so I can concentrate on yoga . . .

  2. Have you ever heard of Bikram Yoga? They heat the room to about 105 degrees while you do the class. That would be so hot! You would definitely loose A LOT of weight!!!
